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The pack includes :

1- Five Christmas Trees

Rhyme card, rhyme props, face masks, a matching pairs game and a counting worksheet.

2- Eight Little Reindeer

Rhyme card, rhyme props, face masks, a number line and a number domino game.

3- Five Little Snowmen

Rhyme card, rhyme props, face masks, missing number activity cards, a board game, a game to build a snowman and a snowman tracing sheet.

4- Five Christmas puddings

Rhyme card, rhyme props, face masks, a maths Christmas pudding game and a number line.

5- Ten Christmas stockings

Rhyme card, rhyme props, a game to collect ten stockings, a colourful number line and worksheets.

6- Five Little Elves

Rhyme card, rhyme props, elf face masks, a colour matching pair game and a worksheet.

7- Six Little Penguins

Rhyme card, rhyme props, face masks, a game to collect the penguins and a penguin number line.

8- Five Little Snowflakes

Rhyme card, rhyme props, face masks, a number snowflake game and a number line.

9- Ten Warm Mittens

Rhyme card, rhyme props, a matching pairs game and tracing worksheets.

10-Ten Little Icicles

Rhyme card, rhyme props, activity cards and a size ordering worksheet.

Christmas Number Rhyme pack

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